A common complaint I hear from senior managers at MNCs in Greater China is that their head office just doesn't "get it" on China. 我从跨国公司大中华区高管口中最常听见的一句抱怨就是:公司总部对中国简直“一窍不通”。
She may have a shot at creating a coherent rebound strategy for Yahoo to get it back on the growth list again. 她也许有什么看家本领,可以为雅虎打造一套持续复苏的战略,使之能够重回高速增长的榜单。
Mom: You should get it done on time. 妈妈:你们一定要准时把作业做完。
You can get it on the AIX expansion pack CD or you can download it from the AIX Web pack download page. 可以在AIXexpansionpackCD上找到它,也可以从AIXWebpack下载页面下载。
You create a socket server and get it to listen on a port. 您创建一个套接字服务器,并让它监听一个端口。
The last thing to do is exit with a zero return code so that the trigger monitor will commit the GET it performed on the trigger message and wait for another 最后需要做的事情是使用一个零返回码退出,以便触发器监控器提交它在触发器消息上执行的GET并等待另一条消息
The last step is to share it with the world and get it on the jQuery Web site's plug-in repository. 最后一步是与他人共享该插件,并将它上传到jQuery网站的插件存储库。
Also like the movie industry, we must get increments of software into executable form ( get it on film) to make things tangible enough to assess progress and quality. 还是和电影工业一样,我们必须使软件成为可执行形式(弄到胶片上)来切实进行进度和质量的评估。
All composers are inspired, of course, but this type is more spontaneously inspired. Music simply wells out of him. He can't get it down on paper fast enough. You can almost tell this type of composer by his fruitful output. 当然所有的作曲家都需要灵感,但这一类型的更具自发的灵感,音乐简直就是喷涌而出,多得来不及记录,通过他们多产的作品你几乎可以一下就认出他们。
If your boss drops a mammoth, urgent project in your lap, ask which other tasks he'd like you to delay in order to get it done on time. Don't pull multiple all-nighters to finish the extra work on top of your regular job. 如果你的老板让你完成一项紧急而又艰巨的任务,问问他为了保证这件任务如期完成其他什么事情可以缓一缓,不要为了完成这项追加的工作熬通宵。
I want my supper right now, and when you get it on the table, go upstairs and lay out my clothes. 我现在就要吃晚餐,当你把它弄好放在餐桌上的时候,到楼上去把我的衣服摆放好。
To entice travelers into Precheck and test TSA's ability to handle more people, the agency has been selecting regular passengers to go through Precheck security lanes and get it printed on their boarding passes. 为吸引旅客加入Precheck计划并测试TSA应对更多旅客的能力,该机构一直在选择普通旅客通过Precheck安检通道,并将安检记录印在他们的登机牌上。
He said he was busy over the weekend, so he decided to get it on the first day of release. 他说,自己周末很忙,所以决定在发售第一天就来购买。
Then why did I get it tattooed on my hip? 那我为什么要把它纹在我的屁股上呢?
It took me about an hour to get it reactivated on my BES. 我花了大约一个小时,以获得它重新启动对我谱仪。
And of course, it's their job to make sure they get it done-correctly and on time. 当然,把作业正确的完成,按时交也是他们的责任。
Now the two have put their thoughts into a book," The Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get It Back on Track"( Oxford University Press). 现在他们两个把他们的想法写到一本书里面:“破损的部门:美国国会为何衰落和怎样让它回到正轨”(牛津大学出版社)。
We find ways to get it on track and know how to turn back on. 我们总会找到办法重回正轨,也知道怎样去回到从前。
You can get it on your radio too. 你也可以在收音机里收听到。
I like it very much. I think I'll get it on our home market. 我非常喜欢。我想在我们国内市场上可以买到。
I think I'm gonna get it on the next at-bat. 我想我会在下一个击数拿到。
Instead, ask for thin crust, preferably whole-wheat; get it light on the cheese, and add protein ( like grilled chicken) as well as green and yellow veggies to fight crow's feet. 相反的,叫一份薄披萨,最好是全麦的,在上面放一点乳酪,加上一些蛋白质(如烤鸡)和黄绿叶的蔬菜,预防鱼尾纹。
We knew he would do his damnedest to get it to us on time. 我们知道他会尽最大努力准时把它送给我们。
To know more, get it on your Phone Today! 想知道得更详尽,现在就开始来吧!
So you'll have all that information and we'll get it to you on Friday. 总之,你们将知道所有的这类信息,就在周五,我们会告诉大家。
It's been a bit difficult to get it on the first row but I'm in first place so finally it happened. 排位赛中有段时间似乎我很难排在第一排起步,但现在我获得了第一,事情就是这样。
To get it up on his wedding night. 这样才能在新婚初夜时勃起。
Can we at least get it on camera positions? 我们能不能至少先确定摄影位置啊?
If you play a WoW hunter and have a guide that you have written and you would like to see it on this website please feel free to drop me ane-mail to get it listed on this site. 如果你扮演一个魔兽世界的猎人,有一个,你写,你希望看到本网站请随时给我写信一封电子邮件得到它在这个网站上列出它的指南。
He can't get it down on paper fast enough. 他不能以尽快的速度记录在纸上。